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A World Without Marbled Murrelets

Without the Marbled Murrelets, we wouldn't have those fun road trips traveling across the state and visit different national parks. We wouldn't have the vast amount of animals that interact and depend on Marbled Murrelets. Marbled Murrelets are an indicator species that reflect how well the environment around them is thriving. If the Marbled Murrelets went extinct that would show the downfall of an important part in one of the two ecosystems. The Pacific Ocean and the Old-Growth Forest would both be affected by the extinction of Marbled Murrelets. 














Water Birds
Forest Road

The trees that shelter the Marbled Murrelets are dying, exposing the rest of the animals that depend on that forest and leaving them defenseless and stranded. This leads to the eventual collapse of the entire forest. R-strategist species meaning a species that reproduces extremely quickly and kills off other species because of lack of resources in the ecosystem. R-strategist species that would encroach and decimate the numbers of other species like the <arbled Murrelets. (Goldfarb 2016).



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