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Saving Their Homes


Aside from farms, the remainder of the Chinese Giant Salamander lives in the rocky mountain freshwater ecosystems all throughout China (San Diego Zoo Animals And Plants, 2019). They need open space to grow, lay their eggs, breed, hunt and live their lives contently. Unfortunately, their habitats are being bulldozed and industrialized every day. Not only does the destruction of their habitat decrease their numbers, but the pesticides, fertilizers, pollutants that follow the human race wherever they go has been poisoning the helpless animal without us knowing (San Diego Zoo Animals And Plants, 2019). 

The main way to put an end to this type of destruction is, once again, to educate people on the location of this declining species, and protest companies from building in the waters where they roam. The issue surrounding pollution can be ended through encouraging recycling, using reusable products, picking up trash, etc. It will take entire communities to begin to inspire change.

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