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Whaling Wonders

Whale protesters fighting against Japan's commercial whaling industry! “Anne Main: We Must Put a Stop to Japan’s Whale Hunting.” PoliticsHome.Com, 22 July 2019, Accessed 8 Jan. 2020.

Ecotourism and advertising does not represent the sei whale like its cousin the blue whale; it's less popular but just as important. Unfortunately, due to less publicity, they have less people fighting for their cause.

However, fortunately for them, because the sei whales are overlooked, they may be able to sneak under the radar, avoiding being poached by whale hunters as their population slowly goes up. The only way the sei whale affects the economy is through Japanese whaling. The Japanese decimated the sei whale population in the 1950s and 1960s (NOAA Fisheries, 2019) because the blue whale stocks were depleted; while this led to a boom in the whaling industry, the whales almost went extinct.

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