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Economic Importance

The Red Wolf is Highly Valued by the Tourism Industry, Farmers, and the Entire Ecosystem


 Not only do the wolves provide important social and economic values, but they also provide value to their ecosystem. Red wolves are often the top predators in the areas they live, meaning they are responsible for maintaining the food chain. Predators limit population growth, and without a top predator, herbivorous species can take over and rapidly degrade the habitat. For example, red wolves eat many rodents, which controls the population of these pests. (Dolph, 2019) Control of these nuisance species can also limit damage to crops, benefiting farmers. (Red Wolf, 2019) 















The red wolf has much social and economic value, especially in regards to tourism; these wolves attract many visitors to the recovery area in North Carolina. In 2007, about 10,000 visitors toured the Red Wolf Coalition-sponsored the “Wolves and Wildlands in the 21st Century” exhibit at the Walter B. Jones Center for the Sounds in Columbia, NC. The red wolf “howlings” are also a popular event with visitors and draw over 1,000 people every year.  (Red Wolf, 2019) Red wolves can often be difficult to see, but their howling noises can often be heard by visitors. These howlings have been compared to the “music of the wolves.” These events have also created exposure in national publications including National Geographic magazine and The Washington Post. Three studies performed in the 1990’s show that the red wolf is able to add millions of dollars to local economies through tourism.  (Red Wolf, 2019)

Cost to Save This Precious Species Only Getting More Expensive... Action Must be Taken Now


 Not only do the wolves provide important social and economic values, but they also provide value to their ecosystem. Red wolves are often the top predators in the areas they live, meaning they are responsible for maintaining the food chain. Predators limit population growth, and without a top predator, herbivorous species can take over and rapidly degrade the habitat. For example, red wolves eat many rodents, which controls the population of these pests. (Dolph, 2019) Control of these nuisance species can also limit damage to crops, benefiting farmers. (Red Wolf, 2019) 


Red Wolf and Pup 

Red Wolf Howling

Red Wolf Stalking Prey

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