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Mountainous Landscape by the Sea

A Plan to Save the

Red-Legged Frog

Rana draytonii



I am the California Red-Legged Frog and I need your help. I live mostly on the coast of Northern California in estuaries which are wetlands like marshes and ponds. My presence in an ecosystem indicates balance and health within it. Without me the ecosystems in coastal wetlands will not thrive. I was officially listed as endangered under the Endangered Species Act of 1966. Since then my population has declined by more than 90%.


Actions already taken

- Assessing reproductive health of California red-legged frog populations in Baja, California.


- Detailed maps understanding the preferred micro habitats of the frogs.


- Reintroducing frogs at sights in San Diego and Riverside Counties, where they were previously extinct for more than 20 years 


- Levees at a flower farm have been removed to reconnect the Redwood Creek to its original floodplain. 


- Nat’s Herpetology Department collaboration with Fauna del Noroeste (FAUNO) 

How you can help our little friends

- Donate to organizations who are building and restoring ponds, wetlands, and estuaries to improve habitat suitability for the frogs. 


- Mail a check to The Nat at P.O. Box 121390 San Diego, CA 92112


- Volunteer your time to organizations helping the restoration of frogs habitats and well-being. 


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