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Who We Are

Hi readers, our names are Alena Sharp and Tayleigh Birkie. We are High school students currently studying in a school program Sea-Disc where we focus on the Environmental and Social Justice of the world. As part of our latest projects, we have committed time and energy to better our surrounding community creek’s riparian corridor species so that we can rehabilitate the Steelhead trout population that has been dwindling recently. Our newest project is dedicated to saving these adorable, harmless critters: the Antanosy Day Gecko. We thank you for taking the time to log onto our page to learn more about this critically endangered species and hope that you will share your newly acquired knowledge with others in your community so that we can protect these defenseless creatures. If you want to learn more about what you can do to protect the Antanosy Day Gecko and many other critically endangered species like it visit Sea-Disc’s Home Page. For more information please don’t forget to follow our Instagram page @seadisc.awhs as well as donate to organizations that protect critically endangered organisms like SEED Madagascar.

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