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What Can YOU do to Help Save Me?

From this point forward must take our attention to this issue that affects all of us. The fringe-toed lizard is endemic, meaning limited to a specific area, to the Coachella valley which only makes up a small portion of southern California. As human population grows in the valley their habitat disappears. We must do our best to stop the urbanization and agriculture development of the sand lizards home by educating others and protesting the future construction of buildings and highways.

Don't Support Fossil Fuels!

The Coachella Valley Fringe-Toed Lizard lacks proper funding and land management. Companies have tried to establish businesses in the Coachella Valley which increases fossil fuel production -leads to harrowing climate change effects

Act Now: Stop Urbanization!

80-90% of habitat loss due to urban development!


(DeVos, 2018)

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