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What is Already Being Done 

The protection plan that was drawn by Palawan Council For Sustainable Development Staff, Iucn SSC Pangolin Specialist Group, Katala Foundation Incorporated, and the Zoological Society Of London has four main goals. These goals are: to reduce habitat destruction and loss, reduce the overexploitation of the pangolin, completely understand and meet the needs of the pangolin, and for indigenous people to feel empowered to preserve the Palawan pangolin. If everything goes according to plan, all four of these goals should be met in 2043. 
In this action plan, there are 11 objectives which all have steps to execute them. Some of these objectives include: “To establish a knowledge platform on pangolins and ensure knowledge is disseminated to relevant agencies for consideration in the evaluation of development proposals,” and “Rescue and rehabilitation capacity built for pangolins in the Philippines.” When these objectives are met, the Palawan pangolin's habitat will be protected, and they will have greater protection against poachers

Read Full Plan Here!

YOU Can Help

The pangolin is not the only thing that needs saving, but its entire ecosystem as well. You may be wondering, “What can I do?” One of the best things you can do for the Palawan pangolin is to not consume medicines that use pangolin products. If the demand for products decreases, the demand for the animal decreases as well. Pangolin medicine is far from popular in the United States and other western places; it is likely that you already aren't using pangolin products, so another great way to help is to donate. Many organizations are working hard to preserve the Palawan pangolin and all pangolins around the world. 

To help reduce the destruction of the pangolin's habitat, it helps to do simple things to reduce the use of paper. Actions like recycling, not using single-use papers, unsubscribing from mailing services and going digital instead, and using products with minimal packaging can make changes. Many people think that doing these things is so insignificant, it won't change anything, and they're wrong. Every bit of paper that is recycled, instead of made fresh from tree fibers, reduces the demand for paper products. YOU can make a difference. YOU can help. 

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