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How you can help

As you have seen and read about throughout the site, the Giant Kangaroo Rat is vital to the health of the planet's biosphere. Not only are they detrimental to their ecosystems when gone, but the industries replacing them are even more catastrophic to the health of the earth. Between agriculture expansion, urban development, and oil drilling, almost all of the Giant Kangaroo Rat’s habitat is gone. Read below to learn about the ways you can save these adorable creatures!


Donate to save the crucial Carrizo Plain National Monument, 90% of the Giant Kangaroo Rat’s Habitat! Any amount makes a difference. By supporting the conservation of this crucial ecosystem, you are benefiting thousands of other species. Help us save the Giant Kangaroo Rat and the biodiversity of California!

Donate to the Center for Biological Diversity. The Center is working to save the San Bernardino Kangaroo Rat, a close relative of the Giant Kangaroo Rat, and other species which are essential to California's natural ecosystems.


Send the government a letter to petition against fracking public lands in central California, right through the Carrizo Plain National monument. Fracking and oil drilling are one of the biggest threats to the Giant Kangaroo Rat and its habitat. If we let it continue, there is very little chance in saving the species.

Advocacy can be as easy as the click of one button! Sign the Care2 Petition to save the Giant Kangaroo Rats by convincing California senators to protect the habitat of the Giant Kangaroo Rat and all of the biodiversity the ecosystem has to offer.


Become a Volunteer for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. This federal agency is dedicated to conserving wildlife across the nation. But, they can't do it without the help of passionate volunteers like you!

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