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What You Can Do

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Say No to Palm Oil!

By saying no to palm oil, you could help these creatures out! Palm oil plantations are the main reason why this species’ habitats are being destroyed, and if enough people stop consuming packaged products that contain palm oil, there will be no need for palm oil plantations, resulting in a decrease in deforestation, and an increase in habitat preservation! There are plenty of alternatives for these products and there are companies designated to have foods with no palm oil. So the next time you go to buy that Doritos bag or buy that Skippy peanut butter, just know that you could be doing something to help stop the destruction of this extraordinary creature’s home. It is as simple as that, you can save this butterfly species, and hundreds of others from extinction, right from the entrance of your local grocery store (palm oil - deforestation for everyday products, 1986).

Here are some more solutions!

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Read labels in cosmetic and cleaning products

Reading these labels can help you prevent buying products that contain harmful chemicals , such as palm oil.

Sign a Petition!

Signing petitions can help raise awareness towards the issue, there is one linked above created by us!

Choose to purchase foods with 100%  sunflower oil, corn oil, olive oil, coconut oil, or canola oil

Don't purchase items that contain Palm Oil, as it is a grave cause of deforestation, that destroys the habitat of this species of butterfly.

Stay away from Frito-Lay!

Frito-Lay products often contain palm oil.

Don’t be fooled by “sustainable palm oil”. It is not always certified sustainable!

Support Fridays for Future, click here

Support Ecotourism in Papua New Guinea!

Support Partners with Melanesians, Charles Harbottle, and other organizations such as SBBT

Donate to IUCN, click here

The IUCN is dedicated to saving endangered species, even a small donation can make a huge difference!

Reduce your paper usage, in support of ending deforestation!

Don't overuse paper products unnecessarily, and don't overbuy. Instead, try to buy recycled paper products, to support a more sustainable future, and a fight against deforestation.

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