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Why should we save the Bolson Tortoise? Is it worth it?



                The question is: why should we save the Bolson Tortoise? Why not let the desert be destroyed causing all the animals and plants to die? People may be less willing to jump up and fight for the survival of an animal that doesn't have the usual cute and furry factor to bring it sympathy. The reality is that all animals deserve to have a place on this planet. It is easy for us to sit back and let our planet be destroyed, but it takes courage and strength to stand up for the animals that call earth home. As humans we have the power to decide which ecosystems, and which animals survive. Let's do our part to stop the industrialization that is causing the extinction of so many important animals like the Bolson Tortoise. 













         The Bolson Tortoise plays a beneficial role in the Chihuahuan Desert ecosystem and in the economy, which will be lost forever without restoration of this vital species, and the Chihuahuan desert will lose some of its species and genetic diversity. The bolson tortoise keeps the biodiversity high in the Chihuahuan Desert.

The Bolson Tortoise is important to the Chihuahuan desert ecosystem. Courtesy of “Learn About Nature” (Bolson Tortoise, n.d.). 

Does a single species really make a                  difference?

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