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Student Outcomes:

SEA-DISC graduates leave with a variety of skills that can apply to higher education and the real world including:


  • Use technology to access information, analyze and solve problems, and communicate ideas across all disciplines.

  • Demonstrate knowledge of the environmental rights and responsibilities of the individual in a democratic society.

  • Apply mathematical knowledge and skills to analyze and solve environmental problems.

  • Demonstrate environmental science literacy.

  • Demonstrate knowledge of the global environment and its 


  • Apply the principles of economics to environmental issues.

  • Analyze and propose solutions to contemporary issues using a

variety of perspectives.

Senior Shannon Collecting Data at a Local Creek

  • Participate in a community, social, civic or cultural service.

  • Address the changing social climate of our Biosphere.

  • Use current scientific technology to produce real data and enter it in a long term database.

  • Create meaningful student/adult working relationships.

SEA-DISC Students protesting plastic use at the Hub

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